Rush Harding III Will Head Student Council During 1971-72
Newly elected student council officers for the 1971-72 school term are Rush Harding III, president; Gary Cook, vice-president; Ann Lee, secretary; Robert English, treasurer, and Mike Tripp, reporter.
Rush is an honor roll student and has been a member of the Beta Club since the seventh grade and is serving as Vice-Presidentof the Science Honor Society this year. He is a member of the Lion football, basketball, and track teams and was recently elected as one of the football captains for next year. He has also served as Sports Editor of the Annual Staff the past two years. Rush is an Eagle Scout and a member of the Clarendon Methodist Church. He will be a senior nest year and his parents are Mr. and Mrs. Rush Harding Jr.
Gary Cook is also an honor roll student and is serving as reporter of the student council this year. he has been a member of the Beta Club for four years, and is a member of the football and track team. Being very active in all activities, he has served as student council representative, treasurer of his class and Beta Club. Gary is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Gene Cook of Monroe and attends the Church of Christ.
Freshman Ann Lee had the honor of serving as head majorette of the first CHS Marching Band, and has been a Junior High cheerleader for the past two yers. She is an honor roll student and a member of the Beta Club. Student council work is not a new experience since she has been active in elementary and Junior High Student Council work. Ann is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lee and is a member of the Clarendon Methodist Church.
Robert English, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bob English, has served as his class president for two years and was also Junior High Football captain. Robert has been on the honor roll every six weeks, and is presently a sophmore at CHS. He is a member of the Beta Cluband was the Valedictorian in the sixth grade. He has been active in all school activities and is also a member of the band, football team, and Boy Scouts, in which he has attained the rank of Eagle.
Mike Tripp, a junior, has been a member of the Beta Club for the past five years. He is a member of the annual staff and served as Vice-President of his class last year. Mike was selected as second runner-up in the Most Handsome Contest last year. Also, he is a member of the annual staff. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Trippof Keevil are his parents, and Mike attends the Baptist Church.